World Day for Safety and Health at Work

On April 28th, we celebrate World Day for Safety and Health at Work - a topic that is of great importance to us at S+D Metals. We would like to give you an insight today into how we ensure safety and health in the workplace at S+D.
At our locations in Düsseldorf and Stelle, adjustable height desks are standard to promote ergonomic work. In addition, we regularly train our employees in the field of occupational safety, as legally required. Necessary protective clothing and training in the handling of machinery are also part of our program.
However, we not only value physical safety, but also healthy nutrition in the workplace. Our employees in both Düsseldorf and Stelle can help themselves to fresh fruit daily.
Furthermore, our first aiders are trained, and we have defibrillators available at all locations. We also regularly offer and conduct the legally required first aid courses.
To continuously work on accident prevention, we hold ASA meetings (occupational safety committee meetings) quarterly, which are accompanied by an externally commissioned company. If necessary, our company doctor is also involved in these meetings.
At S+D Metals, we are proud to take care of the safety and health of our employees. We believe that only a healthy work environment can lead to a positive work atmosphere and a successful corporate culture.
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