S+D Metals with an article in the specialist magazine Focus Rostfrei 16/2023

I am pleased to announce that S+D METALS GmbH has been featured in the latest issue 16/2023 of the renowned trade magazine Focus Rostfrei! The title of the article is "S+D Metals: A Wide Range of Materials and Alloys".
As a leading company in the field of metal trading, S+D METALS GmbH offers an impressive variety of high-quality materials and alloys. Their extensive range includes specialstainlesssteels, nickel, nickelalloys, titanium, titaniumalloys, and many other highperformancematerials that are used in various industries, including aerospace, medicaltechnology, powergeneration, automotive industry, and many more.
The wide range of materials and alloys we offer from S+D METALS GmbH allows companies to find customized solutions for their specific requirements. With our commitment to quality and customerservice, we have built partnerships with suppliers and customers based on trust and reliability, globally.
I am proud to be part of a company that offers such an outstanding selection of high-quality metals and continuously strives to meet the needs of its customers. I invite you to read the article in the current issue of Focus Rostfrei and learn more about our work at S+D METALS GmbH.
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