Our great S+D METALS fundraising campaign ends
At the beginning of December we initiated our S+D METALS fundraising campaign when we released our new company logo as well as our new homepage. For each click on our homepage, S+D METALS donated 0,01 euro of their own funds equally to two charity organisations in Düsseldorf and the result is fantastic. An amazing amount of 1690€ was raised thanks to your numerous visits, which S+D METALS happily increased to 2000€.
We visited both organizations with a great check and a bright smile.
Our great S+D METALS fundraising campaign ends

First, we visited the Düsseldorfer Kindertafel e.V., which provides 1,800 children and teenagers from socially disadvantaged families with a warm and healthy lunch. This lunch is handed out at schools like all other children's lunch in order to avoid making a visible difference. A warm welcome to the Düsseldorf office was expressed by Mrs. Fischer, chairperson for marketing, communication, PR and fundraising. Mrs Fischer was very glad and thanked us on behalf of the children.
Check handover at the association Froschkönige gegen KinderArmut e.V.

Afterwards we visited the charity Froschkönige gegen Kinderarmut e.V. which has been doing a great job for 10 years. Another organization that is distinguished by a lot of heart and soul. The charity supports children until they reach the age of 18 and provides them with food, clothes as well as school supplies. A successful concept, since all young adults from the support programme are already successfully studying or in apprenticeship. We were warmly welcomed by Mrs van den Burg, president and author of the association's own blog, which gives a great insight into the use of the donations. She was also very pleased about the donation, which will help the association to make a difference and already mentioned S+D METALS in a blog article.
Thank you for your numerous visits to our S+D METALS homepage.
S+D METALS expresses its thanks to both organisations for their outstanding work once again!
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