20 years working with S+D METALS: Ilona Zobel
Within the past 20 years a lot has happened at S+D METALS and she has experienced it all: Ilona Zobel. Looking at Ilona Zobel's S+D METALS history, her flexibility and dedication are outstanding. Her qualities have made a major contribution to our success story.

How it all began
1999 Ilona Zobel started working as a part-time employee at S+D after her parental leave break in order to optimally combine family and career. We are a family-runed company and we know how important it is to reconcile family and career. Therefore S+D METALS still offers part-time work.
At that time S+D METALS was still based in Hamburg and so small that the CEO -Olaf Schenk- loaded and unloaded the trucks with the forklift himself. Accordingly the warehouse was small and consisted of a single shelf.
Due to the steady growth of the company, the head office was relocated to Stelle near Hamburg in 2002. The warehouse and service centre have been steadily expanded ever since. Today S+D METALS is one of the leading European stockists of high- performance metallic materials such as Titanium and Titanium Alloys, Nickel and Nickel Alloys as well as Stainless Steel for Aerospace.
Active support for the accounting department
In addition to the relocation of the headquarters Ilona Zobel also moved internally. A few years later she moved to the accounting department which she still actively supports today. She mastered any challenges with regard to changing job requirements and workplaces thanks to her flexibility and commitment.
We warmly thank Ilona Zobel for 20 years of team spirit, commitment and motivation. We look forward to the next years together at S+D METALS!
fast - professional - reliable - competitive