10 years of S+D METALS Düsseldorf: fundraising campaign
The S+D METALS office in Düsseldorf was successfully opened 10 years ago and enolved greatly to this day. The sales office has played an important role in the success story of the company and has been growing continuously ever since. Today, S+D METALS is one oft he largest European stockholders of semi-finished metal products made of high-performance materials such as titanium and titanium alloys as well as nickel and nickel-based alloys and special stainless steel.

Time to look back and at the same time to think of others in order to give greater importance to success.
S+D METALS would like to support two charity associations in Düsseldorf equally, because in Düsseldorf every 4th child is considered poor. A fact that is often forgotten in the glow of Düsseldorf's Königsallee, the Altstadt or the Medienhafen.
Our fundraising campaign will start at the beginning of November together with our new website. Until the end of February we donate for every visit to the S+D METALS website to the following charities in Düsseldorf.

On the one hand, we will support the Düsseldorfer Kindertafel, which started in 2007 with a lot of heart and soul, to provide children and teenagers from socially disadvantaged families with a warm and healthy lunch. This is often done through voluntary partnerships for lunch at schools. In addition, the Düsseldorfer Kindertafel gives the children a smile by also providing them with cultural and creative support. At school, creative projects are offered and wishes for a visit to a cinema or concert are fulfilled.
S+D METALS will also donate to the charity Froschkönige gegen Kinderarmut e.V., which has been helping disadvantaged children for 12 years and enabling them a good start in life. Children are supported until they reach the age of 18 and receive the help they need. From food over clothes up to a new bed, the association stands in the constant contact with the families and helps where it can. Thanks to the association Froschkönige against child poverty, school trips and excursions are no longer just a wish for many children. The association's own block offers a heart-warming view of the help provided.
S+D METALS expresses its thanks to both organisations for their outstanding work!
We look forward to the next 10 years of the S+D METALS office in Düsseldorf and your numerous visits to our new S+D METALS website to help together!
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